Monday, May 13, 2024

*Dont worry be happy*

*Don't worry be happy* and believe everything will fall into place and you will finally understand, that after all the hardships and battles you went through, all of it was leading (will lead) you to what you were searching for. Yes  "ONE DAY" you will realize that after all the battles you've fought, all the storms that you've survived and every mountain that you've climbed, you've always had the strength to make it through life's journey... 

(Pic- Rajasthan desert)


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காலம் காலமாக நம்மை யாரேனும்

 காலம் காலமாக   நம்மை யாரேனும்  நினைவில் வைத்திருத்தல்  அத்தனை இலகுவான விடயமா என்ன அதற்கு  ஏதெனுமொரு காரியத்தை  பெரிதாய் செய்திருக்க வேண்டும...