Thursday, August 22, 2024

Play to your strengths.

 Play to your strengths. If you aren’t great at something, do more of what you’re great at.You become a super(player) human by showing you are great by being able to handle with great ability in difficult situations. Strength isn't about how much you can handle before you break. It's about how much you can endure after you've been broke. When you’ve figured out what you want to ask for, do it with certainty, boldness, and confidence. Understand not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. Be bold and a better player...

#ksrpost 22-8-2024.

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காலம் காலமாக நம்மை யாரேனும்

 காலம் காலமாக   நம்மை யாரேனும்  நினைவில் வைத்திருத்தல்  அத்தனை இலகுவான விடயமா என்ன அதற்கு  ஏதெனுமொரு காரியத்தை  பெரிதாய் செய்திருக்க வேண்டும...