Friday, August 9, 2019

#Kashmir issue...

Is it #true

No one asked for a special status for Kashmir. No one even asked for UN mediation. Pakistan actually opposed UN mediation and plebiscite.
That is the most interesting part. 
The government of India, with Nehru as foreign minister, entirely on its own, decided to first go to the UN and seek UN intervention. That itself is an amazing decision considering that the UN was an entirely untested body, it had just come into existence two years ago, had no record of meaningful resolution of any problem. Its predecessor, the LoN, was actually considered to be completely useless in coming up with fair negotiations.
Image may contain: 1 personThe second thing Nehru did was to offer this 'special status'. The people of Kashmir were at this stage represented by Sheikh Abdullah. Abdullah insisted on an unconditional union with India just like Travancore had done. Abdullah said that once elections are held they would automatically reveal the will of the people. That is how it has been in all democratic countries. Elections. Nehru refused. Amazing guy, this Chacha. Later the government arrested Abdullah and put him in jail, thus depriving the people of Kashmir a popular leader for many years. His daughter and grandson, whilst prime minister, went a step further and arrested any leader who seemed independent and with enough popular following. For the scions of Nehru, the only good Kashmiri leader was one who kowtowed before them. Now, that is not how the heart of a people is won. As it would happen, there were enough Kashmiris who realised the hanky panky that their own leaders were doing in cahoots with the Congress, and decided to take to the gun and stones to get rid of the Congress. That would happen in Punjab too.
1947. December 26th. Sheikh Abdullah reiterates the commitment of Kashmir and Kashmiris to be with India
“The fight that is now being waged in Kashmir is one between two ideologies, that is between communalism and nationalism”, declared Sheikh Abdullah, President, All-India States People’s Conference, addressing a mammoth gathering of citizens of Indore at Subhash Chowk on Thursday.
No photo description available.With the departure of the British from India, the people of India had become physically free but they continued to be salves intellectually as was demonstrated by the existence of communal differences. The All-India National Congress had all along denounced communalism and had made great sacrifices to combat it. But the virus of communalism had taken deep root in the minds of the people, which under the leadership of Mr. Jinnah ahd culminated in the division of the country. The counsels of nationalist Muslims like Maulana Abul Kalam Azad had been ignored and Pakistan had been created but the Muslims were as far away from the promised new heaven on earth as ever. 
Sheikh Abdullah exhorted Muslims in India to be loyal to the Indian Dominion and cultivate amicable relations with members of the other communities in the country. The way for those who believed otherwise was clear and they should leave the Indian Dominion. Turning to the Hindus he appealed to them to live up to the preachings of their ancient sages and seers and not to wreak their vengeance on the innocent. Sheikh Abdullah declared amidst loud applause that despite the prevalence of strife throughout the country Hindus and Muslims had continued to live like brothers at Indore and complete peace had been maintained here. 
Adverting to the battle of Kashmir, the Kashmiri leader asserted that it was no mere raid by a handful of tribesmen from across the border. The raid was being actively supported by Pakistan and its leader. Mr. Jinnah in order to maintain himself in power was deceiving the Muslims by diverting their attention to Kashmir but the people of Kashmir of all communities were resolved to shed the last drop of their blood to defeat the invaders and show to the world what nationalism based on the unity of all communities could achieve. No military power would ever be able to dominate over the people of Kashmir. Kashmiris had taken Pandit Nehru as their guide and would follow him”.
Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor

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