Thursday, August 15, 2024

There is a tide in the affairs of men

 There is a tide in the affairs of men

Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

Omitted, all the voyage of their life

Is bound in shallows and in miseries.

On such a full sea are we now afloat;

And we must take the current when it serves,

Or lose our ventures…

#shakespeare-Julius Caesar


Be with a person who is good for your mental http://health.As the only thing which makes a person's life peaceful, is, being mentally satisfied and happy. 

If you have to keep compromising with your self respect and importance, always, leave that place ✨

 because a person can live without money but can't live without respect 

Don't live your life trapped in inferiority complex throughout whole life. 

If you have worked hard to become a star, then u have right to own a bright sun.


I will live my life according to myself.

I will enjoy every moment with the person who will be most closest to me.. who will take a lot of care , will love me endlessly, will make me happy all the time And will live with me peacefully…

I will travel the whole world with that person, we will grow together, enjoy the life together, 

taking a cup of tea talking with each other, discussing the plans, daily routines and small moments ..

I just want that simplest independent life with a compatible partner ; a partner of my own choice

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#விவசாயிகள் சங்க நிறுவன தலைவர் சி.நாராயணசாமிநாயுடு 40வது நினைவு நாள்.

———————————————————- தமிழக விவசாயிகள் சங்க நிறுவன தலைவர் சி.நாராயணசாமி நாயுடு (டிசம்பர் 6, 1925 - டிசம்பர் 20, 1984) தமிழக விவசாயிகள் சங்க ந...