Thursday, August 15, 2024

You have this one life, short and risky

 You have this one life, short and risky. Don't live in fear, don't be afraid to take risk, be more afraid of not living the life you want to live.If you don't take chances you are not only missing chances, you are missing your life itself.Don't keep waiting for a perfect time.Take the risk, give it a try. You playing 'safe' won't save the world, it won't save you either. Don't spend your life, Apologizing, Regretting, Hating yourself, Dieting or Running after matirealistic things? Be brave. Believe in yourself.Take  risks. Make yourself proud... 



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காலம் காலமாக நம்மை யாரேனும்

 காலம் காலமாக   நம்மை யாரேனும்  நினைவில் வைத்திருத்தல்  அத்தனை இலகுவான விடயமா என்ன அதற்கு  ஏதெனுமொரு காரியத்தை  பெரிதாய் செய்திருக்க வேண்டும...