Friday, November 29, 2024

Is Keezhadi inscription Samskrtam or Tamil?

 Is Keezhadi inscription Samskrtam or Tamil?

Keezhadi inscription is a mixed Brahmi/Indus inscription. It reads as follows (thanks to Yajnadevam):- 𑀘𑀸𑀧𑀬8U चापयशम् Famed for archery. The Indus characters 8 = श and U is the jar अन् | अम् symbol Note that this is grammatically Samskrit, not a loan into Tamil. In particular, the sound श does not exist in Tamil and seems to be a pattern to use Indus symbols for such sounds. Another Keezhadi inscription reads:- 𑀪𑀘𑀫 Bhachma. Bhasma "ash"? The 'Bh' is aspirated, which is not a native Tamil sound. Alternative reading is:-

𑀪𑁄𑀘𑀫 भोजम् Bhojam, enjoyment. This means Samskrtam was spoken in Keezhadi in 600 BCE. Below is one of the pottery fragment with inscription on found in Keezhadi.

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#விவசாயிகள் சங்க நிறுவன தலைவர் சி.நாராயணசாமிநாயுடு 40வது நினைவு நாள்.

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