Tuesday, November 28, 2023

#*Ancient Tamils Indian Elections*** Indian Democracy is greater than the #Democracy of Athens and the #Republic of Rome…. #kudavolaisystem #uttarameru #uttaramerur Elections #Uttarameru inscription #ParantakaChola #pallaru,manur inscriptions. -K.S. Radhakrishnan

Today’s  28-11-2023 the Pioneer ,Delhi 
carried out my column on our ancient Elections.

***#*Ancient Tamils Indian Elections*** 
Indian Democracy is greater than the #Democracy of Athens and the #Republic of Rome….

#kudavolaisystem #uttarameru
#uttaramerur Elections  
#Uttarameru inscription
#ParantakaChola #pallaru,manur inscriptions.

-K.S. Radhakrishnan 
India’s democratic legacy extends far beyond the very origin of the democracy itself. The fact is that democracy in India was not only established earlier but was also more organized and inclusive than its counterparts in the West. Kudavolai is an ancient election system used to elect the members of the village administration. In this method, people gather in ward wise and write the names of the eligible candidates on slip of palm leaf. Then they gather it together, put it in a pot and choose it after a shuffle. This elective system showcased meticulous planning and inclusivity.

The kudavolai system was practiced from the 9th century to 16th century. The evidence for this is found in three inscriptions from the 12th regnal year of Parantaka Chola. Of these, two were found in Uttaramerur and the other in Pallipakkam village, Thanjavur. Many refer this kudavolai system as an example of Tamilnadu's democratic tradition.

Kudavolai electoral system shows how Manu smriti was built and maintained during the Cholas period.
Eligibility for participating in local body elections:

The candidate should possess one veli land.
A house built in a taxable land on his own site.
Age from 35 - 70 years can only participate
Should have knowledge about Vegas and mantras.
Need to have etiquette manners.
Should not have held this post for three subsequent years.

Uttaramerur Election

Want are the qualifications to stand in an election? Who can stand? Were answered in the constitution which clearly written in the Chola period. Uttaramerur, which has a 1250 years history is situated in Kanchipuram district, about 90 Km from Chennai. We will be amazed to see this 1000 years old inscription that looks like it was written yesterday.

Uttaramerur was divided into 30 families. The members of the respective family should select one person from that family.  Candidates must possess some basic qualifications. The stone inscription clearly described how every village was categorized as Kudumbu, which we call a ward in modern day parlance. Finding a parallel between the present day electoral requirement of candidates to declare their wealth and assets with that of Chola-era practice, there was also a provision to disqualify the people's representatives from contesting elections if any candidate failed to declare his property and money they won. Moreover, if he is disqualified he and his close relatives could not contest the election.

The inscription at Uttaramerur has interesting details of resolution of general assembly and the kudavolai system which was followed to elect representatives to the village assembly or Sabha. The inscription on the temple walls, too, speak about the prevalence of village assemblies in the other parts of the state.

Acts of misconduct including accepting bribe, misappropriating else's property and the likes were strictly prohibited, if the village mates know about the illegal activities, the member will be disqualified within a year. If proven guilty of misconduct, he will disqualify from contesting future elections. People who speak about eradicating corruption and collect lakhs of rupees are called “sagasam”. If they are protected by some others, even the protectors cannot stand for the election.

Breach of ethics became come in this era. There are reports of electoral malpractice, malefaction, booth violence is all about today's election. To avoid such defeats, the process of taking kudavolai will be done in the presence of all the people.

The inscription refers the elected one as “Perumakkal”. No payment was made for the Perumakkal. After the election committees were formed, the functions of the sabha were many and varied.  Out of the 30 elected members, 12 members were appointed to Annual committee, 12 members were appointed as the members of Garden Committee and 6 members to the tank committee. These committees looked after the administration of the subjects entrusted to them. Besides managing the common land, the collection of taxes was also exclusively done by them. The collection of taxes was extremely done by them. It assisted the central officers in surveying the land and assessing the tax. It recorded the transfer of property, settled land disputes. The irrigation was planned at its best, each pond and other water bodies were maintained regularly as a result, rich agricultural practices flourished.

Thousand years have passed, mankind witnessed many changes. Is the electoral system mentioned in the inscription is suitable for this era? Before coming to a negative conclusion, try it in villages otherwise at least in collages, student leaders can be elected in an ethical way without campaigning and party rivalry. But if we compare the discipline, sacrifice, dedication that the people of that time with today in public, it will remain a question mark.

Silappathikaram, the story of jewelled anklet is rooted in the ordinary lives of the early Tamils of Pandiayan kingdom. It strongly empathizes that those in power will be punished if they deviate from righteous principles. One passage in the whole of the epic which had stirred the souls of generations of people for more than a thousand years pertains to Kannaki's rage on hearing that her husband was sentenced to death by the Paandiya King's orders. Like a raging inferno, Kannaki brushed past the security into the royal court and dared the King, who asked "Who are you and why did you come before me?”

"Oh, Injudicious King," retorted Kannaki," I do have a complaint. I hail from the famous Pukar, where we have a tradition of justice; in the name of fair play one of our Kings appeased a pigeon (by giving his own flesh) to the amazement of everyone; in order to uphold justice to a grieving cow who rang the enquiry bell thunderously, another King ordered the chariot run over his only son, who earlier killed her calf by negligently running his chariot over it. From the same city comes Kovalan, son of an affluent, accomplished and highly respected grain merchant, Masatthuvan, who also had an impeccable character. To overcome his cruel fate, Oh King, Kovalan who came to this city to sell my own personal anklets and rebuild our lives, got killed by you unjustly. I am Kovalan's wife, Kannaki".

Then Kannaki proved that her husband was innocent by showing that her anklets contain rubies whereas the Queen's contained only pearls. Realizing his mistake, the King dropped dead. Silapathikaram has a grim force and splendor- it is imbued with both the ferocity of early Tamils and their steam respect for justice and it throws light on the early Tamil political ideas.

Even during kings’ reign democracy was practiced and flourished, but even after so many technological advancements in 21st century, the elections are used for self-gain. Many times it questions whether they run a government or a business. There is no constructive rules for the candidates section. It leads to less hope in the democracy.

The state of corruption and its deep Nexus create and worrying stage. At once, Tamil Nadu was teaching democracy and ethics to the rest of the world by inscriptions. Now all the developmental activities are marred by corruption. Most of the funds allotted for various programs and policies are siphoned in the name of Implementation, but the truth is that it goes into the pockets of politicians. The bureaucratic who is well-known for red tapes, complicated procedures, poor transparency in various policies and programs are also responsible for more corruption activities.

From Chola period we can see a procedural usage of public money for various program. Now on the contrary, when a new government assumes power, the plants and programs of earlier government get cancelled out rightly, leading to waste age of public money.
It is widely known that people who are prone to corruption attitudes are escaping the clutches of law due to unclear nature of laws and underhand dealings with higher officials. No laws are daring enough to reach the corrupt and put them behind bars.

One should think that the country is not only run in technology but also in the scope of human resources. In this era of Artificial intelligence youths are taking everything for Granted and not ready to make a right decision and questioning the state of world a comfortable life is a primary requirement. Nobody is ready to take a responsibility to make the system stand right.
 As we are from the land of Swami Vivekananda, his message for the youth of this country is “let’s be human”. He also dwelt on the capabilities of the youth; he wanted the youth to train itself in order to serve humanity.

What he wanted from the youth were ‘muscles of iron’ and ‘nerves of steel’. Today, the youth are exceptionally responsive and they just need to be encouraged. Swami Vivekananda was only the medium; he is himself the message as well for the youth of India. His teachings will always stay relevant.

He once said, “The education which does not help the common mass of people to equip themselves for the struggle for life, which does not bring out strength of character, a spirit of philanthropy, and the courage of a lion – is it worth the name? Real education is that which enables one to stand on one’s own legs.” For him, education meant secular learning that built character and instilled human values in students.

All these initiatives of the Government require active involvement and support of youth as they are the major stakeholders of future of this country.
And as Swami Vivekananda once exhorted, “Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached”, let us all unite and work for the country with Purity, patience, and perseverance as the Swami felt long ago that these three are essentials to success.

The country, believe it or not, is in dire need of a revolution and the only hope we have is the youth. With their vision and farsightedness, the youth can bring to the plate not only changes, but freshness which the country could use to give itself an image makeover.

Chola administration has become foundation for modern democracy. We are in the age to revive our electoral pattern as our democratic legacy extends far beyond Athenian democracy and Roman republic.

-Political Activist 


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